Online research and booking of hotels

When planning a holiday, it is always difficult to know where to stay: how do you choose a hotel that you have never experienced in a part of a city that you have never visited before? Staying in the right place is an important part of your journey; having a comfortable environment and being in the right location is crucial for both the holidaymaker and the business traveler.

There are so many sites that offer online travel advice, it is hard to know where to start! But if you are next time looking for a hotel to stay in, take a look at the following:


Wikitravel is a great starting point for every traveler. The site offers information from the perspective of a traveler and offers useful advice on where to eat and what to do in a given area. Larger cities are divided into smaller districts and when choosing the district in which you want to stay, hotel options are offered that suit your style and budget.


Expedia has a directory with more than 80,000 places to stay worldwide, and can help you narrow your search to find the right accommodation. It is worth remembering that a hotel with only the price is never a good idea. Hotels that are further away from attractions and amenities are usually the cheapest, but since the location is a very important factor for any holiday, it might be worth paying more centrally. With the handy map function on expedia you can see exactly where the available rooms are located, so you can weigh the price against the location.


With Venere you can filter your search results to find the perfect hotel for you. The filters include budget, type of accommodation and star rating, although photo 's generally give a better indication of how good a hotel is. If you are viewing photos of rooms, it is worth comparing them with recent reviews of the hotel, to ensure that the photos are not only recent, but also a true representation of the room you receive on your arrival.


One of the best places to find online customer reviews is TripAdvisor, which has more than 75 million reviews, tips and advice from every type of traveler from around the world. TripAdvisor offers travelers the opportunity to rate hotels, share photos & videos, and socialize with other travelers. is the leading online travel agent and delivers more than 30 million unique visitors each month. With more than 253,441 hotels in 178 countries, the site tries to help travelers discover the best places to stay. The site is aimed at both business and leisure travelers and scores hotels based on user reviews, which are divided into categories such as comfort, location, price-quality ratio, etc. Hotels can also be filtered by the type of person who left the assessment – such as families with young children, individual travelers or large groups.

When it comes to booking your chosen hotel, you may think that online travel agencies offer the best deals, but this is not necessarily the case. Booking directly with a hotel offers many advantages:

– you may find exclusive promotions that are not offered on travel agency sites

– Some hotels offer frequent guest points and frequent flyer miles

– Hotels offer guests recognition, which means that the hotel already knows your preferences and likes-if you stayed there earlier

– Having direct contact with a hotel makes it easier to change or cancel bookings

– Booking verification is direct because there is no third party that confuses things.

So the next time you are looking for a hotel, whether for business or pleasure, do not forget that online travel agencies and travel review sites can act as a valuable source of information, more often than not you & # 39; it is better to book directly through the hotel.

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